U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has chosen an Islamophobe, a white nationalist and an alleged racist for some top posts in his new administration. So now a petition of over 1,000 signatories is asking for a new addition to this colorful cast of characters: a famous porn star from the Middle East.
We’ve all seen the stories, the headlines, the images. Born in Beirut to a Lebanese family, Mia Khalifa gained media popularity in 2015 following heavy controversy over her career choice.
Now, someone in the United States has started a petition asking Donald Trump to make her ambassador to Saudi Arabia. At a time when extremely outlandish individuals are about to take on some of the most powerful posts in the world, StepFeed is unable to determine whether or not the petition is satire. But it can be interpreted as a snide at the kingdom’s conservative legal system, and/or a dig at Trump’s controversial administration.
“Mia Khalifa has a proven track record of bringing people together regardless of cultural background for the betterment of our country and international community,” Dalcolm Rodriguez-Goldstein wrote.
“She will be a great leader representing us in the Middle East as well as a symbol of the melting pot that is America.”
Goldstein aims to have 1,500 supporters before sending this letter to Donald Trump.
In less than 24 hours, the petition has garnered the attention and signatures of over 1,000 people.
I just signed it.
— Juan Valencia ? (@juanvalenciagd) 25 ноября 2016 г.
“She reunites”

“A controversial yet strong figure”

Better than Trump, they say

“A good personality”

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