Hussein Askari predicts collapse of Saudi Arabia

Former finance advisor and Saudi economist Hussein Askari said that the Saudi kingdom is now on the verge of collapse, confirming that its western allies will eventually give up the oil-rich kingdom.

Askari, who served as the advisor to the former Minister of Finance Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz,  stated that as Saudi economy is completely dependent on oil revenues, policies of administrative and political reform had failed. “This makes the fall of Al Saud inevitable”, he declared.

In an article titled “Last Tango in Riyadh” published on Huffington Post last Sunday, the US-based former finance advisor wrote that Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman repeatedly admitted that Saudi economy is ‘based on flimsy grounds’ and that the full and complete dependence on oil will threaten the mere existence of this entity and its future as well.

Askari also underlined the report published  by “Reporters Without Borders” whereby Saudi Arabia was placed 165th out of 180 states regarding restrictions of freedoms and imposing strict laws and regulations of social media.

According to the report, Saudi authorities has so far shut down 400 websites on social media.

“I think that it bothers them when someone who had been close to them criticizes them. They feel that this may be taken much more seriously by foreign politicians, business executives, academics and the media than some commentator who is not generally recognized as understanding Saudi Arabia”, Askari replied when asked about the reasons his Huffington Post article was censored by Saudi authorities.
“Then there are the comments criticizing the ruling family that probably bothered them–their extravagant lifestyle and their corruption”, he added.


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