Iran: Saudi Arabia source of terrorism

The world has come to learn that Speaking on Thursday, Bahram Qassemi, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, said Saudi Arabia is the main source of terrorism and it can no longer hide its role.

“Despite Saudi Arabia’s constant attempts to hide such realities as [its] involvement in the world’s most horrific terrorist operation [referring to September 11] and child-killing in Yemen by using petrodollars, today, the world has well learned that the source of these scourges is the Saudi regime and the fake ideology of Wahhabism, which is the basis for the country’s political livelihood,” Qassemi said.

Saudi Arabia a few days ago accused Iran of supporting the Yemeni Houthi movement, an allegation they both declined.

Qassemi said, “Saudi officials, who have gotten themselves bogged down in the bloody slough of terrorism and the killing of innocent children and women in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq with grave strategic mistakes, had better think of correcting their ways instead of… repeating hackneyed allegations against others.”

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