Saudi child defies his autism to become a robotics whiz

Despite being autistic, a 10-year-old Saudi child has been using his talent to build robots, indicating his high level of intelligence, with intricate shapes and designs which he transfers from his own imaginations.

Mo’emel al-Mohammadi has designed and presented many individual models so far and shared it on his own page on Instagram, which has gained lots of attention.

A club specialized in supporting technology innovation in Dhahran announced that it would start receiving videos for children who are innovative and interested in robot development to encourage innovation and support Saudi talent in Artificial Intelligence.

Building the dream

During Al Arabiya English’s visit to al-Mohammadi at the club, he showed his electronic innovation in robot manufacturing and spoke in a simple local dialect about his beginnings from early childhood. He spends his days collecting electronic pieces to build his dream of a future in which humans and robots are partners on this planet.

The club’s goal is not only to entertain young people but to teach them technical skills such as computer programming that will benefit them in their future.

Al-Mohammadi said he used to collecting machine parts and batteries of damaged devices and uses them to fabricate parts of the robot. His trainers noticed that he used the soft robots in several difficult tasks and jobs; like search and rescue operation; passing through narrow places and surpassing obstacles.

According to his trainer Zaineb al-Mahaysh, the robots help the autistic child to develop linguistic and motor skills, and hopes it will harness his talent and break the silence about Autism and develop his innovative abilities.

More than 120 participants gathered at the club where al-Mohammadi is participating in the exhibition of the best designs in robotics.

The club aims to develop children’s abilities to innovate through scientific research and says it hopes to increase the number of young participants.


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