Turkey’s top cleric marks Laylat al-Qadr

The head of Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate on Sunday celebrated Laylat al-Qadr (the night of power), which marks the first revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad.

In his message, Prof. Ali Erbas said the Almighty calls the night more auspicious than a thousand months in the Quran.

He added that on this night angels descend on earth.

“Quran is a book that introduces people to life, the universe, the goal of existence; teaches the right, the truth, decency, wisdom, justice, mercy, all humanitarian values and principles that will beautify earth, and guides to a chaste and honorable life, fair and peaceful world,” Erbas said.

Calling for God’s forgiveness, Erbas said: “Let’s review our efforts for building a life and world where trust, love, respect, brotherhood and solidarity prevails, and hatred, envy, fear, despair and alienation lacks.”

Laylat al-Qadr, also known as Kadir Gecesi, is one of the most important nights in Islamic calendar, as Muslims flock to the mosques and and perform the night long prayers.

Source: Anadolu

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