Iranian Regime missile program the other domestic suppression

Iran regime has accumulated one of the largest and most diverse arsenals of missiles in the Middle East. The United Nations Security Council resolution has called on the mullah regime to refrain from the development of ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. But the mullah regime has been launching missile tests at various levels in recent years, persisting that the missiles are designed for just defensive proposes. So far, US President Donald Trump has strongly criticized Iran for missile testing and the development of its missile program, which has been one of the reasons behind the withdrawal of the Iran nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) by the United States. French President Emmanuel Macron and other European allies committed to launching a new round of talks on Iran’s missile program. But Tehran is opposed to new talks, saying that Iran’s defense affairs cannot be negotiated.
Over the years, Iran has been trying to carry out its ballistic missile programs secretly, just like its nuclear program which was hidden for years, until the Iranian opposition group (National Council of Resistance) unveiled the program.
The National Council of Resistance the US reprehensive office presented a book on Iran’s ballistic missile program recently in the United States.
The new 133-page book by the NCRI-US, Iran’s Ballistic Buildup: The March toward Nuclear-Capable Missiles, was also presented by Alireza Jafarzadeh, the deputy director of the NCRI’s Washington office. The book, which has dozens of charts, pictures, satellite imageries, and maps, provides key details on crucial infrastructure of Tehran’s ballistic missile program.

Alireza Jafarzadeh, who is also the author of The Iran Threat, explained the strategy framework designed to ensure the survival of Iran’s ruling regime and its core elements. He said, “To remain in power, the regime in Tehran functions on two foundations. One is internal suppression and the other is crisis making and export of terror abroad. The second pillar has three components itself which complement each other and are all part and parcel of the larger strategy for survival. One would not work without the other. First component is sponsorship of terrorism. The second element is Iran’s nuclear weapons program. And the third element is the ballistic missile program. For Tehran, these are critical issues for its survival; that’s why it has never abandoned any of them, and it never will.”
Exposing the details of the inner working of the regime’s Aerospace Industries Organization, the Hemmat Missile Industrial Group, and Aerospace Force of the IRGC, Mr. Jafarzadeh stated, “there are 15 sites associated with the Aerospace Industries Organization and 27 sites associated with Aerospace Force of the IRGC.” He provided the names, specific functions and their internal codenames, command and control structure, and location of these sites.
It should be noted that one of the core elements here is proliferation, nuclear proliferation. The ballistic missile program is a manifestation of the intentions of the regime in Tehran and what they’ve done with their ballistic missile program makes it very, very clear that the ultimate objective is intercontinental ballistic missile… Not only Iran is developing these missile delivery capabilities, but also is in the proliferation of these technologies in the region

How the threats of the Iranian regime should be tackled?
“The Iranian regime right now is engulfed in large scale protests and uprising that started last December and is still continuing. The economy is in shambles, currency is plunging further, and there’s extensive institutionalized corruption. So, the long-term and lasting solution to the threat posed by Tehran is internal change. The people inside Iran are calling for change by the people of Iran. That’s when we’re going to see those three threats resolved.”
It should be considered that the Iranian people have blatantly uttered their desire for regime change during the most recent nation-wide uprisings, which were brutally cracked down but never ended. The real conflict is between the Iranian people and the clerical suppressive regime. So to carry out the battering dissidents, the regime needs exporting its crises to abroad. This aggressive policy is accompanied by the spread of terrorism in the region and the development of nuclear weapons and missiles.
But this regime knows well that these maneuvers of saber-rattling are not working forever and may even bring the reversal unpleasant results, moreover, there is no weapon that can prevent the suppressed people’s rage and uprising against religious tyranny.

Therefore, as Mrs. Maryam Rajavi said: as the nationwide uprising in December and January demonstrated, the Iranian people want to be liberated from religious oppression and despotism. Democratic change in Iran is inevitable and a free Iran is within reach. The end of religious dictatorship in Iran is a requisite for regional peace, democracy, security, and stability. This is the only way to end war and crisis in the region and avert a larger war.”

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