Azerbaijanis no longer need visa to Qatar

According to The National, Qatar, isolated by its neighbors in a diplomatic crisis, introduced visa-free travel for 80 countries including Azerbaijan on Wednesday. Simplifying the visa regime should improve the development of air transport and tourism, which suffered from the embargo.

“The visa exemption will make Qatar one of the most open countries in the region,” said Hassan al-Ibrahim, the tourism department official, at a press conference in Doha.

Citizens of 33 countries will be authorized to stay in the territory of Qatar without a visa for 90 days within 180 days, citizens of another 47 countries within 30 days.

90-day visa-free stay applies to citizens of Turkey and most of the EU countries.

Citizens of Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Australia, USA, Japan, Great Britain and other countries will be free to stay in Qatar within 30 days.


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