Dubai: Worker jailed for secretly filming woman

A worker has been jailed for three months for secretly filming with his mobile a woman in the fitting room of a garment store.

The 25-year-old Sri Lankan worker put his phone on the video mode and secretly filmed the 34-year-old Emirati woman, who was trying on a trouser in the fitting room in February.

filmThe woman shouted at the worker, who immediately pulled back the phone and disappeared.

The woman waited for five minutes before she walked out of the fitting room and called the police.

The Dubai Court of First Instance convicted the 25-year-old man of breaching the woman’s privacy and molesting her by secretly filming her with his phone while she was undressed.

Presiding judge Mohammad Jamal said the accused will be deported after serving his jail term.

The defendant had pleaded guilty in the court.

The Emirati woman testified that she went to buy some sports outfits at a garment store.

“While I was in the fitting room, I saw a hand holding a mobile phone that was in the video mode under the door. I shouted at the person who was filming. I went out after five minutes. Police came and apprehended the defendant who was staring at me fearfully from the other side of the shop,” she said.

Sunday’s ruling remains subject to appeal within 15 days.


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