Arab leaders will support Syrian refugees

Arab leaders yesterday vowed to continue to seek a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis and maintain their support for countries hosting Syrian refugees.

A declaration, agreed upon by all members of the Arab League Summit, focused mainly on the war in Syrian, Palestinian issues and the fight against terrorism.

It supported restarting stalled peace talks between Israel and Palestine on a two-state solution based on 1967 borders.

The statement said relocating of the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was unacceptable.

Arab countries gave their full support for ridding the region of terror gangs and recapturing the Iraqi city of Mosul from Daesh.

They agreed that Iraq’s stability and territorial integrity were the basic cornerstones of Arab national security.

Conflicts in Libya and Yemen were also mentioned in the 15-point declaration.

Eighteen Arab leaders attended the summit which was held in the Dead Sea report in Jordan.

Source: memo

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