United Nations presents plan for saving Aleppo

The United Nations are proposing a plan consisting of four parts for saving Syrian city of Aleppo, Senior Adviser to UN Special Envoy for Syria Jan Egeland said Thursday.

“Why we have a UN initiative for east Aleppo that has four parts… We are urging the following four things: medical supplies in to the kneeling medical facilities in east Aleppo; medical evacuations out of east Aleppo for the estimated 300 or so patients that are in urgent need of medical evacuation, together with their families; the third element is food and other urgent supplies, humanitarian relief in to east Aleppo, and the fourth element is more medical personnel in to provide medical relief in east Aleppo. None of the four elements are conditional on the other.”

Over the recent months, Aleppo has been a major battleground in Syria, engaging government forces, jihadists, and numerous opposition groups. Militant-held eastern Aleppo is encircled by government forces and the fighting has affected thousands of civilians still trapped in the city.

Russia has recently backed a number of humanitarian pauses in Aleppo, with the latest one entering into force on Friday.

Source: sputniknews.com

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