Muslim woman beaten up by another woman from Canada – Islamophobia

A second Islamophobic incident has taken place in Canada’s London in less than a month period. Such attacks rise concerns over the increased anti-Muslim tendencies in the country

A Muslim woman was beaten up on Wednesday by another woman in what the police said was an Islamophobic incident in Canada’s southern town of London in the province of Ontario.

According to Anadolu Agency’s report, the woman, whose name was not released, was attacked while shopping at a supermarket with her four-month old baby. The attacking woman reportedly pulled down the victim’s headscarf and pulled her by the hair. Having her baby in her arms, the victim reportedly could not defend herself and fell on the floor after being dragged by her hair.


The attacker hit the victim and her baby, as well as cursed at another person who was taking her photo with a cellular phone, the report said.

Local police posted the attacker’s photos in public areas and launched an investigation into the incident with hopes for the woman’s arrest.

Meanwhile, London’s Chapter of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) representative Eman Fahmy condemned the incident, saying, “This is the second Islamophobic incident in less than one month period. We hope that those behind the attacks will be caught and get the necessary punishment.”

In early June, Canadian media reported that a Muslim student at Western University, in London, Ont., and his female friend were also attacked by unidentified men while sitting at a park. The police are still searching for the attackers.


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