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What if Trump attacks Syria?

It appears that Trump is preparing a big aerial attack on Syria in conjunction with the forces of other states like Great Britain, France and…

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War with Iran is coming

The Saudi war in Yemen is really directed at…Iran. Donald Trump’s first overseas visit to Saudi Arabia and Israel was specifically targeted at… Iran. The…

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Is it the end of Al Jazeera?

This afternoon, as she does most afternoons, Maryam Nemazee will ride the lift to the 16th floor of the Shard, the highest office floor in…

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Arab NATO is desert mirage

Ever since Teddy Roosevelt began a tradition of overseas state visits when he headed to Panama to check on his canal project in 1906, American…

“Battle” for Europe

Today’s European Union needs both salvation and radical reinvention. Saving the EU must take precedence, because Europe is in existential danger. But, as French President…