Grandson of Saddam injured in accident

Mesut Uday Saddam Hussein, the grandson of Iraq’s overthrown leader Saddam Hussein, had a motorcycle accident near Turkey’s southwestern resort town of Muğla, reports said on Friday. Hussein reportedly lost control of his motorcycle and went off the road. Eyewitnesses called for an ambulance and Hussein was brought to a nearby hospital. Reports said that he had a shoulder fracture.

Mesut Uday Saddam Hussein is the son of Sevim Torun and Uday Hüssein, the eldest son of Saddam Hussein by his first wife.

In 1982, his mother Sevim Torun visited her aunt in Iraq, who was married to an Iraqi Turkmen man and owned a hotel there, and won first place in a beauty peagant that was held there. She met Saddam Hussein’s son Uday, who was in the audience, and the two got married shortly after the competition. Their marriage lasted only for eight months. Torun escaped to Turkey when she was three months pregnant after being abused by her husband. Her son Mesut was born in Turkey. Sevim Torun died at the age of 52 in Istanbul, in December 2010.


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